Sunday, June 2, 2013

Sock It To Me - BaySox Dispose of Wood

I'm going to count to five, then both of us are going to
hurl nine innings of lights-out ball. Ready...

Wood Ends Up On Wrong Side of a Pitching Duel

May 29th, 2013

Bay Sox 1

This sock puppet went fishing for Wood Wednesday
San Leandro, Ca- Every great leader throughout history, whether it was Roman Marcus Auerlius fighting in the north, General Patton fighting the Germans, or Lance Bass leading his group in a  groovy acapella tune, always had a pre-battle meal to get the endorphins revved... wait a second this bit sure sounds awfully familiar...

For Moyer it was Veal Parmasean, or something or another...

Chicken Parmesan or spaghetti, or Cornish
game hen or whatever Moyer somehow
heated in an invisible microwave was a bad choice.   
Like the contest, which lasted about as long as Steve's first sexual experience (game time 42 seconds) this blog will be short as well. The game, quite frankly was simply a battle between Wood phenom Chente Lopez, and the Baysox starter who had more ass than Ryan Gosling on a Saturday night.

Ultimately it came down to a couple timely hits for the Baysox and despite Wood's ability to get on base, they could only muster one run in the losing effort. The umpire's strike zone didn't help which was larger than Rosie O'Donnell's vagina and Wood was on the losing end of several called third strikes.

Highlights from Wood's side include Grant Bledsoe who had two big boy hits and Kevin " is my computer's home" Page who had a hit and made several putouts in left field.

"Oh he puts out..."
- Sally "Cockgrabber" McGuilicutty who was stalking Page from the stands

O C'mon! Darn you Trebek.

MVP of the game was Chente Lopez, naturally, but co-MVP's go to Jevon Mattiassi who finally came through and muzzled poor Rocky and Matt Moyer who did his best Sally Struthers impression and managed to cook a full meal right in the dugout.

LVP of the game would definitely be the home plate umpire who managed to take the bats completely out of both teams' hands with his giant strike zone.

Wood squares off Sunday versus the offensive friendly Benders at Encinal. Great seats are still available.

Lopez pitching to King Hippo from Mike Tyson's Punch out in the fifth 

Matt Moyer preparing his pre-game meal

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